The One-Stop-Shop for Construction Permitting (OSCP) of Legazpi City is an automated facility that was established by the city government for the convenience of applicants of building permits and certificates of occupancy. It is fully compliant with the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Department of Information, Communications and Technology (DICT) Memorandum Circular 2018-01 and was established with technical assistance from the United States Agency for International Development.
The OSCP was established in late September 2019 and officially launched towards the end of November 2019. The OSCP already integrated other concerned offices like the zoning, assessor, treasury and the Bureau of Fire Protection. It can issue construction permits in a minimum of five days for simple structures and twenty days for complex structures.
Applicants will only take three steps when they file their application in the OSCP. Updates on the status of their application will be provided by the Office of the Building Official through emails and text messages.